WATCH: Matt Gaetz Calls For Sweeping Action Against The FBI After Whistleblowers Come Forward - 'The Corruption Runs Deep'

On Thursday, Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) called for the immediate defunding of the FBI during an appearance on 'Fox News Tonight'.

Gaetz began by saying, “We don’t throw people in jail in Congress. That’s probably for good reason. We have to defang and defund the authorities that have been weaponized against the people. We have to get the FBI out of Washington, D.C.”

Gaetz is underlining the role of congressional investigations. The House of Representatives has the power of the purse. It does not have the power of the sword. That would be an unjust overreach of its legitimate constitutional prerogatives.
“Much of what you heard today is that there are good FBI agents and analysts around the country," Gaetz continued. "There is pressure that comes out of headquarters and out of the Washington Field Office to do things that are against the law and the Constitution. When people are brave enough to push back, they are crushed. We have seen how the FBI has targeted President Trump and how they have targeted anyone who believes in the Second Amendment, or build the wall, or for goodness sake, the Betsy Ross flag. Now, we see how they go after their own.”

Gaetz then discussed recent testimonies in House hearings concerning the FBI -- especially those of Garret O'Boyle and Steve Friend.

"But now we see they go after their own and they're doing it to make an example of these people because they know that the corruption runs deep and they're deeply afraid that more people will come forward so it's easier for them to torture Garret O'Boyle to leave his children without jackets in a cold winter," Gaetz explained in reference to the FBI's retaliation against whistleblowers. "To leave Steve Friend without the ability to make an income. It's easier to do that than to face the consequences of the corruption that they have allowed to seep into an agency that seems to have sown more evil than they have rooted out."

Gaetz proceeds to offer his solution. He advocated for decentralizing the FBI -- placing it under the authority of local attorneys around America. He also recommended defunding the FBI.

“The lifeblood of the things you are concerned about, it’s the money. We have to cut off the money. That way, everything isn’t centralized,” Gaetz added.“We also have to make organizational changes.”

Whatever the best solution truly is, we the people need and demand change. These agencies work for us.
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