Trump OBLITERATES Biden In ALL The Crucial Swing States He Will Need To Win In 2024

Hill/Emerson polling recently released a slate of results that showed presumptive GOP nominee and 45th President Donald J. Trump besting Joe Biden in all seven key swing states he will need to grab if he wants to win big in 2024. The poll results come after GOP voters have largely given Trump their stamp of approval in a series of Republican primary contests -- including a blowout win in Michigan on Tuesday night. These impressive wins allow Trump to look ahead to the general election as the 45th president seeks to reimplement his MAGA presidential agenda. 

The poll, which covered the period from February 14-24, showed Trump besting Biden in both hypothetical one-on-one matchups and five-way competitions featuring third-party candidates Jill Stein, Cornell West, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Trump bested Biden by three points in Wisconsin, Arizona, and North Carolina in his one-on-one hypothetical matchup. He fared even better in Nevada and Georgia -- defeating the Democrat president by six points in these states. Trump also maintained a two-point edge over the incumbent president in the swing states of Pennsylvania and Michigan. 

While these numbers are impressive, Trump's numbers increase astronomically when other candidates are added into the mix. Trump's lead in Nevada grows to ten points when the third-party candidates are on the hypothetical ballot. Trump also maintains impressive leads in Georgia and North Carolina -- leading by nine points in both states. Trump also managed to lead Biden by six points in Arizona and four points in Michigan while holding on to four and three-point leads in Wisconsin and Michigan, respectively. All in all, these results speak to both a wide dissatisfaction with the Biden administration and a growing appreciation for Trump's truly America First agenda. 

Fortunately for patriotic Americans, Donald J. Trump has an excellent opportunity to win the presidency in 2024, and the Hill/Emerson poll is just one of a series of polls showing just that. The Real Clear Politics polling average has him besting Joe Biden in nationwide polling in recent months, despite the fact that Republican presidential candidates can generally afford to underperform in the popular vote while still winning the election - as they did in 2000 and 2016. As such, it stands to reason that the radical, far-left Democrats would use any means necessary to gain a much-needed political advantage - including indicting their most likely political opponent. But if Republicans sell their agenda and effectively criticize the Biden administration's America Last foreign policies, the sky is the limit for Republicans in 2024 -- and our nation may very well depend on it.

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