WATCH: Journos Gasp As Biden Mocks Tucker Carlson At Correspondence Dinner — ‘It Is Finished For Tucker Carlson’

Throughout the dry heave-inducing incestuous love-fest that was the White House Correspondent’s Dinner various quips, allusions, and outright insults were hurled toward the recently fired, former top-rated Fox News host Tucker Carlson. These were the words of a group of people who likely sit on a knife’s edge waiting for the conservative media icon’s return… and dreading it.

One moment stuck out above the onrushing tide of bile from the establishment left media and the unfortunate comedian who decided to donate their dignity for the evening (in this case, The Daily Show’s Roy Wood Jr.). This was when President Joseph R. Biden Jr. took to the dais to try his hand at exhorting and ‘roasting’ himself, Republicans, and the media in turn.

Naturally, Biden’s comments brought him to his most prolific and popular critic in the press: Carlson. The result was predictably painful to watch.

Twitter user Liz Churchill shared the clip to Twitter of Biden blithely complimenting himself for his ‘victories’ and attempting to verbally backhand the former Fox host.

According to White House transcripts, Biden boasted,

“This dinner is one of the two great traditions in Washington.  The other one is underestimating me and Kamala.

Well, the truth is we really have a record to be proud of.

Vaccinated the nation.  Transformed the economy.  Earned historic legislative victories and midterm results.

But the job isn’t finished.  I mean — it is finished for Tucker Carlson.”

A mixture of groans and boos ensued from the gathered press.

“What are you wooing about like that?  (Laughter.)  Like you think that’s not reasonable?  Give me a break.  (Laughter.)  Just give me a break,” Biden continued.

The 80-year-old even took some halting, disjointed swipes at Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), and the 45th President Donald Trump.

Regarding Greene, he said, “If you find yourself disoriented or confused, it’s either you’re drunk or Marjorie Taylor Greene.”

Targeting DeSantis he badly fumbled the setup and the punch line saying,

“Had Ron DeSantis — I had a lot of Ron DeSangi- — Ron DeSantis jokes ready, but bicke- — but Mickey Mouse beat the hell out of me and got there first. “

He even leveled a quip that would doubtlessly anger LGBTQ+ activists if uttered by a Republican. “Now, look — can’t be too rough on the guy. After his reelection as governor, he was asked if he had a mandate.”

He said, “Hell no, I’m straight.” “I’m straight.”


Finally, he addressed his age and Trump in an attempted ‘self-own’ that rang very, very true.

“And, look, I get that age is a completely reasonable issue.  It’s on everybody’s mind.

And everyone — by “everyone” I mean the New York Times.  Headline: “Biden’s advanced age is a big issue.  Trump’s, however, is not.”

To say it was hard to watch is an understatement. But you couldn’t ask for a better illustration of how out of touch the aging Democrat is.

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