'It's Affected The Church': Pastor Comes Forward And Calls For Churches To Join The Fight Against Wokeism - 'The Church is A Vessel'

Author and Pastor Lucas Miles is putting out a challenge to churches to fight against the wave of liberal politics overtaking modern Christianity, asking churches to unite under a promise to only share scripturally sound messages instead of the many blasphemous messages being shared now. 

Miles, the author of ‘Woke Jesus: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity’ and pastor at Nfluence Church in Granger, Indiana, gave a Fox News interview discussing the negative repercussions that liberalism has had on the church. Miles said that it was his ultimate goal “to write — if I can say this humbly — the definitive guide to understanding wokeism and its effects on the church, and what we can do about it."

"There's been a lot of work to expose wokeism in government and schools, but I don't think as many people are aware about how it’s affected the church," the pastor said, discussing the topic. “Our Christian universities are being influenced and pressured to, I think, to deviate from good orthodox Christian teaching and training.”

"The church is a vessel. It is a ‘Noah's Ark,’ if you will, for every generation. We are able to be enclosed inside it, in safety, and protected throughout this life,” Miles continued. “There might be torrential downpours and there might be wind and waves all around us, but we're kept safe through it all."

Miles made sure to clarify he isn’t against all progress, saying, “I’m not somebody who sees an advancement in technology and goes instantly, ‘Well, that’s the devil.’” He stated that it’s important to consider “How can that go wrong, and how can we use it for good” when looking to progress, which Christians aren’t inherently against. He notes that modern “progressives are progressing for progress’ sake. They are moving ahead no matter the cost.”

The author spoke on numerous different topics like gay marriage and the transgender movement, ending with saying that he wants “to ask pastors to stand against this, including all the interactions of the LGBT and trans movement.”

Many may try to dismiss the idea that the church is being influenced by leftist politics, but the disease of wokeism is breaking through even the strongest of establishments. Just two weeks ago, a church in Manhattan hosted an exhibit that stated “God Is Trans,” a clear deviation from Biblical understandings and values towards modern liberalism, per the DC Enquirer. The church received backlash for the stunt, but many also praised the church for its actions despite being antithetical to the religion. 

Complacency works against long-established institutions like the Church, as when even one or two begin to accept blasphemy, it has the opportunity to spread like a disease through the entire system. Actions must be taken to ensure the Church continues to follow the Biblical understanding of marriage and gender and Miles's approach is a very good start. 

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