Kansas City Rebels Against Missouri, Declares Itself A Sanctuary For Child Mutilation But The Attorney General Will Take Action

On Thursday, officials in the largest Missouri city approved a resolution that would cause the city to become a sanctuary city for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The resolution goes in direct contrast to a recent law passed by the state of Missouri banning sex reassignment surgery for children within the state. 

The vote for the resolution passed by a margin of 12 to 1, showing only one member of the city was reasonable enough to see the evil that was being proposed, per NBC News. Mayor Quinton Lucas (D) gave praise to the vote, stating the city strives to be a “welcoming, inclusive, and safe place for everyone, including our transgender and LGBTQ+ community.”

Kansas City appears ready to go head to head against the state government in Jefferson City after the legislature passed a legislation banning sex reassignment sugery for minors. The bill was heavily pushed by the state's governor, Mike Parson, as reported by the DC Enquirer. Parson has yet to sign the bill, but he almost assuredly will sign it considering his adamance to get the bill through before the end of the legislative session. 

The resolution passed by the city ensures that officials will not prosecute or fine any person, group, or organization that will seek, provide, or receive gender-related care. Gender-related care includes the likes of hormones, puberty blockers, or sex reassignment surgery. This includes any group that provides these to children. 

The resolution also makes it so that if there were any criminal or civil punishments imposed upon such scenarios, the city would make it their lowest priority to pursue enforcement of those laws and policies. 

Other cities have adopted similar measures, with Austin, Texas declaring itself a safe city for families with transgender children back in March of last year, per Spectrum News

Missouri's Attorney General Andrew Bailey is doing what he can to prevent the LGBTQIA agenda from overtaking the state. Bailey is considering a proposed emergency rule that would require anyone looking to seek gender-altering treatment to partake in a minimum of a year in therapy. 

Arguments will be heard in the summer about the potential of this rule while the legal challenge to it continues. 

It’s upsetting to see a state make such a major positive change, just to be upended by sinister forces trying to ensure no one is safe from the sickening agenda. Missouri seems to be overall unable to do much against the city, however, there are potential ways to attempt to force the city into complying through economic punishment. Hopefully, something can be done to prevent these people from fighting morality. 

  • Article Source: DC Enquirer
  • Photo: Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images / Getty Images
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