My Story Of Meeting Donald Trump: My Hero, The Best President, And ‘The Sexiest Man Alive’

When then-television star and successful businessman, Donald Trump, ran for president in 2015, I was 10 years old and as soon as I saw his witty humor, high intelligence, and amazing skills, I became instantly obsessed with supporting him. I am now 18 years old and have had the honor of meeting him in person three times. I wanted to emphasize the fact that Donald Trump is unlike any other president, politician, or figure out there because, unlike other politicians or celebrities, he actually cares about his supporters and the American people and he deserves recognition for putting everything on the line for us all.

Starting in 7th grade, I launched a news website, Reed Cooper News, where I would write pro-Trump news articles every single day, began wearing Trump t-shirts and merchandise daily, and started buying everything and anything Trump I could get my hands on. I don’t just wear any Trump shirt, though. I wear Trump t-shirts with the bold phrase “Sexiest Man Alive.” I quickly became known as “The Trump Kid” in my school and area in Virginia. I now have, I would say, maybe the biggest Trump collection of merchandise, including three life-size Trump mannequins, out there which you can see by clicking here.

As President, Trump accomplished many great things, my two favorites being arresting more child and human traffickers than any other president and being the first president in decades to not start a war.

In 2020, when I was 15, I started an Instagram account called “@GodBlessDJT” where I publish pro-Trump memes and graphics daily. The Instagram account has since grown to almost 200,000 followers and I now own many other large Instagram accounts. 

I also started a YouTube channel where I would edit and autotune clips of Trump’s speeches and turn them into covers of popular songs. You can watch an example by clicking here.

I later went on to meet Bo Loudon, the son of pro-Trump TV and news personality Dr. Gina Loudon and former Missouri State Senator John Loudon, on Instagram and he soon became my best friend. I helped him grow his Instagram account from 1,000 followers to 100,000 followers.

Reed Cooper, Bo Loudon, and Trent Leisy being interviewed at TPUSA’s AmericaFest.

As my social media presence grew, I met lots of amazing pro-Trump figures and in 2022, I met a man named Trent Leisy who loved Trump almost as much as I do. Trent has since given me the ability to go to many pro-Trump conferences like the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and Turning Point USA events.

I began writing news articles for Dinesh D’Souza’s son-in-law, Brandon Gill’s DC Enquirer and President Trump began sharing many of my news articles on his booming social media platform, Truth Social.

Trump even printed out one of my articles, signed it, and mailed it to my house where it is now framed as you can see below:

In December of 2023, thanks to Trent, Bo, and Bo’s amazing family, I was able to meet Donald Trump in person and be able to talk with him.

Reed Cooper, Donald Trump, and Bo Loudon.

When Trump saw Trent and me wearing my “Sexiest Man Alive” shirt, he paused his lunch at his Golf Club in West Palm Beach and called us in to talk with him. Trump loved the t-shirts, of course, and was genuinely interested in our thoughts on what’s currently happening in America.

Trent Leisy, Donald Trump, and Reed Cooper

After talking with him for about 10 minutes, he grabbed three of his famous “Make America Great Again” hats, signed them, gave them to us, and walked us outside to take photos.

Recently, at Diamond Lynnette Hardaway’s funeral (which Trump attended), who is best known for her half of the pro-Trump duo Diamond and Silk, Silk revealed when the heartbreaking news of Diamond’s passing broke, Trump instantly called Silk and quietly covered the costs of the entire funeral. 

Trump’s personality and mind are his greatest assets. He is a very successful businessman who didn’t have to run for president. He ran for president and is running again because he genuinely cares about saving this country from the evil that wants it. 

Trump is a rare breed in not only politics but in humanity. A President who ACTUALLY cares for and LOVES the American People. And we love him right back!

You can follow Reed Cooper on Instagram here and Truth Social here.

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