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Sterling Mosley

Sterling Mosley graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. in Government and International Relations & Global Studies with distinction. His previous work can be found at the Daily Signal, Campus Reform, and The Texas Horn. He has worked across the conservative movement in campaigns, policy think tanks, and non-profit organizations.

Top House Democrat Demands Biden Withdraw Following Press Conference - 'Make Way For A New Generation Of Leaders'
By: Sterling Mosley | Following President Joe Biden's press conference at the NATO Summit in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, several House Democrats called on the president to withdraw from the presidential race, including the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee. The calls for the president to step aside bring the total number of congressional lawmakers demanding Biden withdraw over 20 as the 81-year-old Democrat fights for his political survival.  Read More
'We'll Be A Team': Trump Calls On Biden To Take Cognitive Test As More Democrats Demand The President Withdraw From Race
By: Sterling Mosley | Over the past week, President Joe Biden has been fighting for his political career as elected Democrats have begun to call on the president to withdraw from the race in droves after his disastrous debate performance and inability to prove his ability to run a successful re-election campaign during his interview with George Stephanopoulos last week and his press conference on Thursday. In response to these developments, 45th President Donald Trump called on Biden to take a cognitive test to prove to the American public that he has what it takes to stay in the race. Read More
BREAKING: President Biden Says Delegates Can Vote For Another Candidate At Democratic National Convention
By: Sterling Mosley | During President Biden's post-NATO Summit press conference on Thursday, the 81-year-old Democrat said that delegates heading to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month could vote their conscience and choose to select another candidate if they believe that Biden can't win re-election in November. Read More
WATCH: Biden Refers To Vice President Harris As 'Vice President Trump' During Press Conference
By: Sterling Mosley | During the most important press conference of President Joe Biden's career, the president mistakenly referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as "Vice President Trump." The error comes after Biden took questions from several pre-selected reporters from mainstream media outlets. Before choosing from the list of reporters, the president gave brief remarks from a teleprompter that focused on the importance of NATO and his record. ​​​ Read More
BREAKING: President Biden Refers To Zelensky As 'President Putin' At NATO Summit
By: Sterling Mosley | President Biden showed once again the impact of his age on his mental acuity on Thursday when he referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelsnky as "President Putin" when introducing him at the NATO Summit in Washington, D.C. The gaffe is the latest verbal error made by the president as he attempts to convince the American public and his fellow Democrats that he has what it takes to run for re-election. Read More
Democrat Rep Suggests Biden Should Resign From Office, Fears 'Unelected Advisors' Are Making Decisions For Him
By: Sterling Mosley | Despite President Joe Biden's best attempts at assuring Democrats that he will be staying in the presidential race following his disastrous debate performance last month, Democrats aren't convinced that the 81-year-old president has the stamina or the mental acuity to run a successful re-election campaign to defeat Donald Trump. This lack of confidence has led over a dozen elected Democrats to demand Biden step aside, with the latest representative suggesting that Biden resigns from the presidency altogether. Read More
BREAKING: Chuck Schumer Open To Replacing Biden At Top Of Ticket
By: Sterling Mosley | Despite President Joe Biden's best attempts to stop the bleeding earlier this week as his candidacy hangs in the balance, more Democrats have begun to come out against him and suggest that he reassess his chances of winning re-election in November. A new report from Axios reveals that one of the top Democrats in the nation, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), has been privately exploring ways to replace Biden at the top of the ticket despite publicly voicing his support for the president's nomination. Read More
'His Ambition Comes First': Chuck Todd Sounds Off On Joe Biden's Insistence To Stay In The Race
By: Sterling Mosley | On the most recent episode of "The Chuck ToddCast," NBC News host Chuck Todd questioned the lasting impact of Biden's reluctance to leave the presidential race on his legacy as more Democrats call for the president to step aside. Like many mainstream media personalities, Todd has demanded that Biden withdraw from the race following his disastrous debate performance last month. Read More
BREAKING: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Introduces Articles Of Impeachment Against Supreme Court Justices
By: Sterling Mosley | On Wednesday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) introduced articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, further escalating the left-wing's war on the Court. AOC vowed to impeach the two justices after they sided with the majority in Trump v. United States, which gave presidents immunity for official acts. Read More
WATCH: Following Exclusive Interview, George Stephanopoulos Admits Biden Isn't Fit To Serve Four More Years
By: Sterling Mosley | On Tuesday, ABC News host George Stephanopoulos, after he conducted an exclusive 20-minute sit-down interview with President Joe Biden on Friday, admitted to a TMZ reporter that the 81-year-old Democrat incumbent isn't able to serve another four years in office. The anchor's comments come after a handful of elected Democrats have demanded that Biden withdraw from the race. Read More
'It's Devastating To Say It': George Clooney Demands Biden Step Aside Weeks After Hosting Fundraiser
By: Sterling Mosley | On Wednesday, Hollywood actor and longtime Democrat fundraiser George Clooney came out against President Joe Biden's re-election bid in a New York Times op-ed. Clooney, who recently hosted a massive fundraiser for Biden with former President Barack Obama in Hollywood last month, explained that Biden is no longer the same man who served as vice president nor the same man who ran for the highest office in the land in 2020. Read More
'I Think We Could Lose The Whole Thing': Dem Senator Says Trump Could Win By 'A Landslide' With Biden At The Top Of The Ticket
By: Sterling Mosley | During a CNN interview on Tuesday, Sen. Michael Bennett (D-CO) explained to CNN's Katilin Collins that President Joe Biden will surely lose to Donald Trump in November if he stays in the race, even suggesting that the 81-year-old Democrat could lose "in a landslide." Read More
BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi Says 'Time Is Running Short' For Biden To Reconsider Staying In The Race
By: Sterling Mosley | During an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) refused to voice her full support for President Joe Biden to stay in the race, instead opting to let the president choose the path forward rather than trying to force him out or encourage him to stay. Pelosi's comments come after a handful of House Democrats have called on the 81-year-old Democrat to step aside following a disastrous debate performance last month. Read More
WATCH: Trump Says Biden's 'Ego' Is Keeping Him In The Presidential Race - 'They Cover For Him'
By: Sterling Mosley | During a phone interview on Fox News on Monday evening with Sean Hannity, presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump explained that President Joe Biden is staying in the race because of his "ego" and because his family is increasingly isolating him from criticism to keep him in the race. Read More
'There Were Actual Tears': Swing District Democrats Fear Losing Their Seats With Biden At Top Of Ticket
By: Sterling Mosley | On Tuesday, House Democrats held a caucus meeting at the party headquarters in Washington, D.C., to discuss the party's electoral future and President Joe Biden's candidacy after the 81-year-old incumbent insisted that he would stay in the race following his debate debacle last month. Just before the caucus meeting, however, several swing district Democrats met to discuss the difficult road forward to save their own seats if President Biden remains on the top of the ticket. Read More

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