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Sterling Mosley

Sterling Mosley graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. in Government and International Relations & Global Studies with distinction. His previous work can be found at the Daily Signal, Campus Reform, and The Texas Horn. He has worked across the conservative movement in campaigns, policy think tanks, and non-profit organizations.

Pelosi Says Trump Is A Threat To ‘Our Democracy, Our Flag, Our Constitution’
By Sterling Mosley | Earlier this week, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) joined MSNBC's 'The Last Word' to discuss the growing popularity of leading Republican presidential candidate and 45th President Donald Trump, as well as the growing chances of his election to the presidency next year. During the interview, Pelosi absurdly claimed that Trump was a threat to "our democracy, our flag, our Constitution, [and] the future of our children." Read More
BREAKING: RNC Pulls Out Of Future GOP Debates - 'Total MAGA Victory'
By: Sterling Mosley | On Friday, the Republican National Committee (RNC) announced that it would no longer be participating in any further GOP debates after both CNN and ABC decided that it would be hosting their own debates prior to the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. The decision was reached by a 16-member internal committee, and thus, the networks will have to host the debates independently of the RNC. Read More
Republican-Led State Pulls Woke Disney From Investment List Amid Far-Left Activism
By: Sterling Mosley | On Tuesday, South Carolina Treasurer Curtis Loftis announced that the Palmetto State would no longer be investing in woke Disney after the company increasingly embraced far-left activism to the detriment of stockholders. Loftis officially removed the Walt Disney Company from the state's investment list. However, the state still retains $105 million of "Disney debt instruments that will mature as scheduled and will not be replaced." Read More
WATCH: Black Woman Arrested For Attempting to Burn Down MLK Jr.’s Childhood Home
By: Sterling Mosley | On Thursday evening, a woman was arrested for attempting to burn down the childhood home of civil rights icon Martin Luther King, Jr. with gasoline in Atlanta, Georgia. The attempt was caught on video, with many conservative commentators suggesting that it was an attempt to fake a hate crime and stoke racial tension. Read More
Hunter Biden Faces 17 Years In Prison After Refusing Taxes While Spending Large Sums On 'Drugs, Luxury Hotels And Rental Properties, Exotic Cars, Clothing'
By: Sterling Mosley | On Thursday evening, the Department of Justice filed new criminal charges in the Central District of California against the president's son, Hunter Biden, alleging that he failed to pay $1.4 million in taxes while living out a luxurious lifestyle. Hunter "spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills," Special Counsel David Weiss said in a statement. Weiss charged Hunter with three felony and six misdemeanor tax offenses. Read More
WATCH: Tucker Carlson Releases HUGE Interview With The Most Censored Man On The Internet Alex Jones
By: Sterling Mosley | On Thursday, host of 'Tucker on X' Tucker Carlson released a blockbuster interview with InfoWars founder Alex Jones, who is largely regarded as one of the most censored men on the internet. The lengthy interview is likely to garner significant attention due to Jones' notorieghty and the fact that he has been banned off of the social media platform for many years. Read More
Fetterman Turns On Fellow Democrats Amid Widening Border Crisis - 'You Essentially Have Pittsburgh Showing Up There At The Border'
By: Sterling Mosley | On Thursday, Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) turned on his fellow progressive Democrats when he condemned them for not being open to negotiating with Republicans on a border security deal, given Republican resistance to greenlighting tens of billions of dollars of more Ukraine war funding. Fetterman's comments come after Customs and Border Patrol agents along the US-Mexico border encountered a record-breaking 22,000 migrants on Wednesday. Read More
Radical Democrat Finally Faces Consequences After Pulling Fire Alarm In Capitol Office Building
By: Sterling Mosley | On Thursday, Democrat Squad member Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) was officially censured by the House of Representatives after he pulled a fire alarm during a critical vote to keep the government open to delay the proceeding. Bowman was previously charged by the D.C. attorney general in October, which led to him pleading guilty to a misdemeanor. Read More
Melania Makes Her Pick For Trump's Vice President
By: Sterling Mosley | A new report released Thursday revealed that former First Lady Melania Trump is making her voice heard in the current deliberations surrounding Trump's running mate, with the former model advocating for former Fox News host Tucker Carlson to be chosen as her husband's running mate for 2024. Read More
The Daily Wire's Hit New Comedy Reaches Top Spot In Streaming
By: Sterling Mosley | On Tuesday, The Daily Wire's hit new comedy film 'Lady Ballers' reached the top spot for streaming in the United States, according to Rotten Tomatoes, after the film debuted on Friday to rave reviews. The film currently enjoys a 92 percent audience score on the movie review website. Read More
WATCH: White House Says 'American Blood' Could Be Spilled If Congress Doesn't Send More Aid To Ukraine
By: Sterling Mosley | On Wednesday, White House National Security Council (NSC) Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby spoke before the White House press corp, where he explained that if the United States did not further fund the war in Ukraine, then the situation in Eastern Europe could develop to a point where "American blood" would have to be shed. Kirby's comments come as Congress is currently considering a massive $100 billion package that includes aid for Ukraine and funding for border security. Read More
Bill Burr: 'You Idiot Liberals' Made Donald Trump A Martyr
By: Sterling Mosley | On Tuesday evening, comedian Bill Burr joined Jimmy Kimmel to discuss the growing popularity of leading Republican presidential candidate and 45th President Donald Trump and his return to the White House will be "great for comedy." Making matters even worse for the anti-Trump talk show host, Burr mocked him and other liberals for being idiots for indicting him. Read More
WATCH: Biden Tells His Most Brazen Lie Yet After Blockbuster Evidence Showing Connection To Hunter's Businesses
By: Sterling Mosley | On Wednesday, President Joe Biden was asked by reporters why he was so involved with his family's business dealings while he was vice president and after he left the Obama administration, to which Biden was forced to tell his most brazen lie yet. The answer comes after House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) laid out evidence that proved that Joe Biden received monthly payments from Hunter's business entity Owasco P.C. Read More
BREAKING: Hunter Biden Will Be Held In Contempt Of Congress If He Refuses To Testify
By: Sterling Mosley | On Wednesday, House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a letter to Hunter Biden warning him that if he refused to testify, then they would begin contempt of Congress proceedings against him. Read More
Trump Scores MAJOR Endorsement As He Continues To Dominate The Republican Field - 'Let's Come Together And Move Forward'
By: Sterling Mosley | On Wednesday, leading Republican presidential candidate and 45th President Donald Trump picked up yet another endorsement from another high-ranking Republican in the U.S. Senate. Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) officially backed Trump for the Republican nomination, writing in an opinion column that "Results matter – and the results of [Trump's] strong leadership as the 45th President of the United States are clear for all to see." Read More

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