Beto O’Rourke Indicates His Key Policy Proposal is Dead in the Water in Texas As He Completely Abandons His Former Gun-Grabbing Rhetoric

Beto O’Rourke, the Texas Democrat who can’t seem to win a race, has decided to run for Gov. of Texas this year. Beto has been in the public eye for the past few years, but he hasn’t been in office since he was elected to Congress in 2016. The former Congressman ran for senate against the famous Ted Cruz in 2018, but thankfully he did not prevail. That hasn’t stopped him from throwing his hat in the ring again and again though. He went from being a failed Senate candidate to becoming a failed presidential candidate in 2020. Now he’s decided to try his luck a third time with his run for Texas governor.

With the primaries quickly approaching, Beto will face off against other Texas Democrats on March 1st. Chances are Robert O’Rourke will be the Texas Democrat challenger in November since he has the most name recognition and money raised. So far, his campaign funds come to a grand total of $10,239,556.64. Which is about a quarter of what incumbent Greg Abbot has raised so far.

All that to say, now that Beto is running for governor, his rhetoric surrounding the second amendment has changed drastically. O’Rourke is now trying to play “the moderate democrat” to mask his radical leftist views. He knows that Texans care about the 2nd amendment and don’t take lightly politicians who want to confiscate their firearms.

According to Beto’s website, he now claims “We can protect the 2nd Amendment while also protecting Texans from gun violence.” Although this is still democratic messaging, this is a far cry from what he was saying in 2020. Back then, when he got his moment of glory on a televised debate, he had the audacity to tell America “Hell yes we’re gonna take your AR-15’s.”

Beto’s “change of heart” is nothing more than bad political talking points. Watching him backtrack his earlier statements is quite hilarious to watch though. Nobody has forgotten his words, nor will Texans believe his “new stance.”

It’s evident that Beto is still against the 2nd amendment, which makes his new song and dance absolutely ridiculous. Texans will be making a very definitive decision in November, either for or against the 2nd amendment. If Beto says “hell yes” to gun control, Texans will say “hell no” to him.

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