If US Were Invaded, 68% of Republicans Say They Would “Stay and Fight;” However, Amongst Democrats, Majority Would Run Away

A Quinnipiac poll released Monday shows that a majority of Democrats would choose to flee the country if the United States was invaded.

Respondents were asked, “If you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, do you think that you would stay and fight or leave the country?” Out of all respondents, 55% said that they would stay and fight with 38% saying they would leave.

However, amongst Republicans, 68% say they would stay and fight while only 25% say they would leave the country. In comparison, a majority of Democrats, 52% said they would leave the country with only 40% saying they would stay and fight.

Additionally, age plays a major factor in determining whether a respondent would stay and fight or not. Amongst 18-34-year-olds, only 45% said they would stay and fight with 48% saying they would leave.

While a majority of young people would be willing to leave their country during an invasion, 57% of 35-49-year-olds and 66% of 50-64-year-olds say they would stay and fight.

Even the 65+ age group has a higher percentage willing to stay and fight, with 52%, than the Millennials and Generation Z.

The poll additionally segmented respondents by race finding that 61% of Hispanics, 57% of white Americans, and only 38% of black Americans say they would stay and fight. 59% of black respondents stated that they would leave the country if the United States was invaded, the highest percentage amongst all respondents by any group.

Surprisingly, amongst those with and without four-year degrees, both said they would stay and fight at similar percentages with 55% of college graduates and 58% of non-college graduates saying they would stay and fight.

Lastly, 68% of military households said that they would stay and fight. Overall, 70% of men and 40% of women say they would fight. Through these numbers, it is clear who would fight for the country in its time of need and who wouldn’t.

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