
Trump Says Biden Doesn't Know 'What He's Doing' As Confidence In U.S. Military Hits 20 Year Low
A recently released poll from Gallup has shown precisely the kind of public sentiment that you don't want with tensions ratcheting up with China and Russia. The troubling poll has found a dramatic loss of confidence in America's military, leaving it at its lowest point in twenty years. Read More
ADAM WEISS: Trump Makes Dominating The Competition Look Easy
Donald J. Trump might still be the punching bag of choice for the ratings-desperate mainstream media and politically-motivated federal bureaucracy, but the heart of America — the salt-of-the-earth folks the flyover elite ignores — continue to make it very clear that he remains their top 2024 Republican presidential pick. Read More
MSNBC Attempts To Tie Physical Fitness To Neo-Nazis, Laments Those Pursuing A Healthier Lifestyle
In an MSNBC opinion article, author Cynthia Miller-Idriss attempted to tie the rise of personal, at-home fitness that was caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic and white supremacy, arguing that “fascist fitness” groups were growing online and recruiting young men to be neo-Nazis through fitness and combat sports.  Read More
Biden Tells Colleges to Pivot From 'Racialism' to Classism In Response To Supreme Court Decision - Defends Racist Doctrine of Affirmative Action
The groundbreaking Supreme Court ruling against Affirmative Action in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc., v. President and Fellows of Harvard College has sent shockwaves through the American political and academic spheres that will take years to subside, but the most profound and disturbing reaction has come from President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. who took to the podium to not only defend the openly racist practice of weighing skin color in college admissions but suggested colleges instead pivot to a system that penalizes children for the hard work of their parents and grandparents. Read More
European Government Exposed For Allowing Euthanasia Of Autistic And Mentally Disabled Citizens
In what would seem like a science fiction horror plot, it’s been discovered that several people that had intellectual disabilities like autism have been legally euthanized in the Netherlands over the past few years because they were unable to live normal lives.  Read More
BREAKING: Trump Wrecks 'Bidenomics' While Joe Brags About His Failing Economy At Chicago Event
As President Joe Biden began speaking in Chicago to extoll his humbly named 'Bidenomics,' paradoxically bragging about an economy that has been left in smoldering ruins by his administration, the 45th President and GOP frontrunner Donald J. Trump released a scathing condemnation. Read More
State Democrats Push Terrifying Anti-Speech Law Making Free Speech A Felony — GOP Leaders Raise The Alarm
New reports from Michigan have revealed that the state legislature is considering an alarming new bill. The proposed law under House Bill 4474 would, rather than protecting the marginalized, prove little more than a hammer to enforce progressive ideology. Read More
Cooper: The Media Needs Trump & Can’t Live Without His Bigly Ratings
By: Reed Cooper | The mainstream media needs Trump to survive. Read More
Cooper: Here's Why Trump Actually Does Hire "The Best People"
By: Reed Cooper | Fox News' Bret Baier is wrong. Trump does choose “the best people” and trying to discredit his ability to choose people is not only unfair but wrong, as well. Read More
Bloomberg Op-Ed STILL Pushes 'Russia, Russia, Russia' Despite Trump's Vindication By Durham Report
By logic, the establishment media might at least show some caution in future statements if not outright contrition and humility after Durham. But clearly in the Left's opinion columns logic doesn't apply. Read More
Cooper: A Trump Arrest Will Backfire Against the Dems and the Deep State
45th president and leading 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump announced in a post on his top-rated social media platform, Truth Social, on Saturday morning he expects to be arrested on Tuesday over yet another witch-hunt investigation by the Manhattan District Attorney. Despite adult film “star” Stormy Daniels being ordered to pay Trump $300,000 for losing […] Read More
An Indictment of President Trump Would Prove That Democrats Are Grasping at Straws in Yet Another Witch Hunt
On Friday, NBC News reported that local, state, and federal law enforcement are preparing for a potential indictment of the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. The case itself is built upon a paper-thin case and would likely strengthen Trump more than weaken him.  Five senior officials told NBC News that law enforcement agencies are […] Read More
Wax: We Need an American Bukele
The relationship between the United States and its hemispheric neighbors has long been a critical driver of foreign and domestic policy. Since the Monroe Doctrine, the United States has, to varying degrees, sought to instruct the nations of South and Central America on how to manage their affairs. Today, Americans must reverse that paradigm and […] Read More
Wax: The Seasoning of the Paprika Revolution
On July 21, 1789, President George Washington signed legislation establishing the first federal agency under the newly ratified Constitution: the Department of State. Since that moment, the Department of State has served as the voice of the American people to the myriad peoples of the world, sending diplomats to nations near and far to represent […] Read More

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