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Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson lives in Texas and attended the University of Texas at Austin.

Donald Trump's Momentum Won't Let Up After Scoring MAJOR Endorsement - 'I Am Proud To Endorse The Ultimate Outsider'
On Monday, leading Republican presidential contender and 45th President Donald J. Trump scored another massive endorsement, this time from Indiana Senator Mike Braun (R-IN). Read More
With Truly Impressive Numbers, Donald Trump Continues To Dominate The GOP Field In New Poll
On Friday, a new poll released by Fox News shows leading Republican presidential contender and 45th President Donald J. Trump with a sizable lead over his Republican competition, as the Republican primaries inch ever closer.  Read More
Trump Destroys His GOP Competition In Key Primary Battleground For 2024
Earlier this week, a new poll released by Washington Post-Monmouth University found leading Republican presidential contender and 45th President Donald Trump dominating the Republican field in a hypothetical South Carolina primary matchup. Read More
Following The Injury Of Star Quarterback, Colin Kaepernick Contacts The Jets In Bizarre Stunt - 'I Just Need A Shot'
Following the injury of star quarterback Aaron Rodgers on Monday night football, disgraced former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick's agent reportedly contacted the New York Jets to see if they needed the services of the NFL veteran. Kaepernick, who has not played in the NFL since 2016, is infamous for his decision to kneel for the national anthem repeatedly. Following that decision, he has not made his way onto any NFL roster despite frequently attempting to do so. Read More
New Mexico's Democrat Attorney General Strikes MAJOR Blow Leftist Governor's Anti-Second Amendment Order
On Tuesday. New Mexico Attorney General Raul Torres (D-NM) announced that he would not defend Governor Lujan Grisham's (D-NM) anti-second amendment emergency order -- the Public Health Emergency Order Imposing Temporary Firearm Restrictions, Drug Monitoring, and Other Public Safety Measures. Read More
WATCH: Tucker Carlson Sets The Record Straight On Why The Elites Hate Trump And The People Love Him - 'He Is Not Entirely Controlled'
During a Sunday speech in Utica, Michigan, Tucker Carlson, host of 'Tucker on X,' explained why free speech matters so much -- and why the left wants to limit the free speech of 45th President and leading Republican presidential contender Donald J. Trump. Read More
WATCH: Kamala Harris Appears Visibly Appalled When Asked About The Possibility Of Trump Winning In 2024
During a recent interview on CBS's 'Face The Nation,' Vice President Kamala Harris looked visibly appalled when she was asked about the prospects of Trump winning in 2024. Read More
Donald Trump Takes A Stand, Calls For The End Of Biden's Electric Vehicle 'Madness'
On Monday, leading Republican presidential contender and 45th President Donald J. Trump called for the end of Joe Biden's electric vehicle (EV) initiatives -- calling them 'madness.' Read More
Roseanne Barr DESTROYS Hollywood Liberal Rob Reiner In Explosive Twitter Spat, Says Democrats Can't Win 2024 Fairly
​​​​​​​On Monday, comedian Roseanne Barr got into an explosive Twitter argument with director Rob Reiner over the prospects of Trump's monumental 2024 run -- which could dictate the future of America as we know it.  Read More
WATCH: Radical Democrat Adam Schiff Pushing Last Ditch Effort To Stop Trump In 2024
On Sunday, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) argued for the legitimacy of removing the leading Republican presidential contender and 45th President Donald J. Trump from the ballot in 2024, due to purported violations of the 14th Amendment. Read More
WATCH: GOP Congressman Ogles Says It Is 'Go Time' For Impeaching Biden As White House Prepares 'War Room' - 'We Have Got To Be Ready'
On Monday, Congressman Andy Ogles (R-TN) told Newsmax that it is 'go time' for the House to impeach Joe Biden, saying congressional Republicans 'have got to be ready' to act for the sake of the American people. Read More
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Biden Has Four Times As Many 'Children In Cages' Than During Trump's Term - '85,000 Children Have Disappeared'
On Thursday, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. blasted President Joe Biden and the mainstream media for the terrible effects of the Democrat's open border policies -- including more 'kids in cages.' Read More
Romney Opponent Mayor Trent Staggs Reveals Why He Supports Trump's 2024 White House Run - Romney 'Just Does Not Get It'
During a Wednesday appearance on the 'Dinesh D'Souza Podcast,' Riverton, Utah, Mayor Trent Staggs (R-UT) explained to viewers why he endorsed President Trump's 2024 candidacy so early in the race. Staggs is running against RINO Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) in a 2024 bid to represent Utah in the United States Senate. Read More
Explosive New Poll Shows Trump Besting Biden Following Unjust Arrest Last Week
A recent survey released by the Economist/YouGov shows leading Republican presidential contender and 45th President Donald J. Trump besting Joe Biden following his high-profile arrest in Fulton County, Georgia, last Thursday. Read More
WATCH: Romney Opponent Mayor Trent Staggs Explains His America First Take On Ukraine
On Wednesday, Trent Staggs (R-UT), Mayor of Riverton, Utah, explained his America First stance on the United States's involvement in Ukraine during an explosive appearance on the 'Dinesh D'Souza Podcast.' Staggs is running against RINO Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) in a 2024 bid to represent Utah in the United States Senate. Read More

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